Alberta Location

6556 – 28 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T6L 6N3

(780) 232-9553

Ontario Location

6-130 Hollidge Blvd
Aurora, Ontario
L4G 8A3


Spirax Sarco Steam Traps


Spirax Sarco provides Thermodynamic Steam traps that are Flanged and Threaded end. They provide Mechanical steam traps that are inverted bucket steam flanged and threaded. Ball float steam traps flanged and threaded. Balanced pressure steam traps flanged and threaded, Bimetallic steam traps flanged and threaded, Quick fit connector steam traps flanged and threaded.

Cross Controls Inc. | Valves, Actuators, Instrumentation & Strainer Supplier
Category: Manufacturer:

We provide valuable service, with quality products at a competitive price.